Craig & Susan Smith Mine Reclamation, Inc is a non-profit organization. The non-profit donates technical expertise on reclamation, our charitable work effort. The non-profit helps small miner’s achieve reclaimed, revegetated and sustainably useful, post mining land. Our experience is small miners are good at extracting rock products for society use. But small miners don’t have professional reclamation staff and must hire multiple consultants, an economic disadvantage. Reclamation is best occurring simultaneously with mining. Our mining, reclamation, native plant and farming experience makes the non-profit uniquely qualified to help mining and reclamation, immediately and concurrently. Implementing concurrent mining and reclamation achieves the rock products our society needs and useful land reclamation. Small miners and mines are important to the local community’s economies.
The state of California has a legacy of ~40,000 abandoned mines. Our experience can help the small miner and return past mined land to good, usable, sustainable and naturally conforming condition.
The 2017 Antolini Mine photo below, illustrates concurrent mining and reclamation started 2011, and reclaimed areas. The old mining area is scheduled for mining and reclamation beginning 2018.