
Our non-profit technical services are multiple; service type geared to client’s needs and lead agency requirements, to achieve reclamation, and best land use after reclamation. Our services reclaim mined lands into the envisioned use, optimizing value in the land and nature.

Mineral, Reserves and Planning

  • SME Registered Member for reporting reserves
  • Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimation
  • Mine planning, Life of Mine Calculation
  • Mine Modeling, pit extraction, sequencing
  • Reclamation, grade planning and communication
  • Drainage controls
  • Erosion and sedimentation controls
  • Water sampling protocol

Reclamation, Revegetation

  • Soil building
  • Cover crops
  • Erosion controls
  • Weed controls from farm experience
  • Sequencing revegetation
  • Creative planting’s from farm experience
  • Drainage controls
  • Native plants identification
  • Native plant transplanting
  • Native Plant seed collection
  • Timing and native seed preparations for germination
  • Mapping and analysis of areas reclaimed

Reclamation Reporting and Compliance

  • Annual Reporting to Lead agency
  • Annual Site inspections with Lead Agency
  • Documentation of reclamation, revegetation
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
  • Financial Assurance Estimation
First year cover crop for nitrogen
Second year, native buckwheat, poppy